Pakistani Drama

Don’t we see drama on our TV sets?but it does have an impact on us everything day too

Although, drama helps us into using our time but doesn’t it have some effects on us too.

For example, a housewife in her every day life span spends most of her time in home. She does alot of chores into her daily life span. She spends most of her time watching TV too at home. I’m not saying that watching soaps and drama is bad.

But,there are most sad drama soaps nowadays then some happy ones. I basically hate sad drama would love to see some changes too some family drama happy ones that one can easily see with family.

Although,some people would agree with me some dramas reflect the real stereotypes into our society but it also promotes some bad things.

I would really like to see some families drama that should reflect our culture values not something that truely represents our real nation.

I sense a sad vibe into me whenever I sad some bad things into our drama serials. I sent bad things done to women into daily drama serials. Although, it’s 21st century and our women are alot more educated but still these drama reflect that they really want to suffer till death why?why? our Islamic roots wrong representation that women have to suffer always.

These things also reflect in some today educated women too that even if your a working women but you are a women nobody cares about you. You would when stop working you’ll die. In-laws would not care about you even when you are ill and you have to be admitted to a hospital.

Grow up people grow up we are in the 21st century most in-laws care people are mostly educated not every one is rock heart into today’s world. People do care.

Even if you are by birth a girl or a boy, you have equal opportunity don’t let today people underestimate or think of yourself as something less.

So,be happy don’t worry and give us lots of good full of happiness Pakistani dramas Pakistani media industry

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