Benton Cosmetics Spot Cream Review

Today, I’ll be sharing my views and thoughts on benton cosmetics spot cream.

This is one of their newly launched product.


Spot cream packaging is quite simple and good. The product comes inside a tube in a box.

You get a minimum of 15g in a single tube.


Centella Asiatic:

Centella asiatic is simply known as tiger grass. It was said that wounded tigers healed because of laying down on this grass. It is basically used in many ointment as it has healing and soothing properties.


Calamine is a simple key ingredient in calmine lotion used for chicken pox. It helps into soothing delicate and irritated skin.

Tea tree and peppermint ingredient also help into soothing sensitive and irritated skin.


Use at the last step of skincare and apply a suitable amount to concerned spot. Softly pat until absorbed.

I applied it on one of my friend face and she recovered from skin redness.

Here are it’s results

I would like to recommend it to People who suffer from redness to use it.

I was a part of Benton Cosmetics review team. This provide was provided by them in exchange for an honest review.

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